Marketown Health is a large general medical practice located in Newcastle West.
Our doctors are here with you for every step of life’s journey. Our focus is on building long-term relationships with our patients. We are a medical practice you can trust.
Covid-19 Updates
important Changes for our patients attending the practice
While masks are no longer mandatory as a condition of entry, patients may be asked to wear one if they experience any respiratory symptoms whilst in the practice. Marketown Health encourages all patients to practice social distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquette whilst in the practice.
We now have a video intercom system as the doors are shut.
You will be asked some questions to identify you, and determine that you are not suffering from flu like symptoms.
Our receptionist will open the doors so you can check in at the front counter.
We are observing social distancing requirements in our waiting room and we are counting on your co-operation.
Cough / Fever / Sore throat?
If you are sick and think you might have COVID-19, PLEASE DO NOT COME DIRECTLY INTO THE PRACTICE. Check your symptoms using healthdirect’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker.
If you have serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing,
Meet the Doctors
The doctors at Marketown Health have a wide range of general practice skills, including emergency, antenatal, pallative care, and minor surgical procedures. They work with a dedicated team of nursing and administrative staff to deliver the highest possible levels of patient care.
Upper Level S02, Marketown Shopping Centre
23 Steel Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302
Phone: 02 4929 5691
Hours: Monday to Friday
8am – 5pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays
Unfortunately due to recent tax increases imposed on General Practices we have been forced to raise our fees.
We understand that many people are already under financial strain and may be upset with this price. We encourage you to direct your disappointment to your local NSW Member for Parliament or the NSW Minister for Health.
Verbal or physical aggression towards our staff will not be tolerated.